All In A Day

Today I said “Happy Birthday” to my 96 year old granddaddy. I said “I’m praying for your family” to my daughters friend who’s dad died today, but he wasn’t very old, I said “Is baby Leticia here?” to the couple that is expecting their baby and are naming it after me. I said Merry Christmas to the strangers on the other end of the line with a foreign accent. I got frustrated, excited, sad, happy, tired and confused all in one day. Thats exhausting.

So much can happen in a day. As I look back over the string of days in 2021, I don’t know if I made the most out of them, but I’m trying. I know I didn’t make the best decisions, but I have argues less, loved more, and I am ahead financially so thats a good thing.

I wish I could say my relationships with friends are stronger, but they are about the same. God keeps blessing and leading me so at the end of the day, I feel good.


A Pimple and a Sparkler

