
Just thankful tonight. I can’t say thank you God enough for keeping my little family safe and together. We have had some real struggles. Satan loves to try to remind me of “things”. Things from the past that will never be the future. I know that there have been some awful situations we have weathered, but God’s GRACE is sufficient and HIS LOVE and protection is felt daily.

If you are wondering how I know God is real, it’s because I can feel Him. I trust Jesus and feel His presence. I know George Washington was real, but I don’t trust him for anything, and I have never felt George’s presence. If you can’t feel Jesus, or if you feel lonely reading this, the Bible tells us that before Jesus died He said he would send us a “comforter” the Holy Spirit.

He watches and waits for us like a father waits for a child coming home. With expectation and longing, Holy Spirit just wants to be with us if we will allow it. Surviving this world without peace from God is unimaginable. An atheist once asked me if I could convince him God was real. I said “thats not my responsibility. That’s God’s responsibility. If you want to know ask HIM to make Himself real.” Years later he was hanging off a cliff in Oregon. Stranded and facing death. He sent me a letter and said “I prayed to your God and someone rescued me from the mountain. Now I have more questions!”

God bless every reader tonight and fill them with peace and joy. (if there is a reader!)hahahah!


All In A Day


When God Leads