Foundation?? What About The Roof?

This morning I woke up thinking about a “firm foundation”. True. It started in Sunday School when I was a kid. “Build your house on a rock and not sand!” But Guess what? A foundation is worthless without walls and a roof.

The roof and walls are different from the foundation, they need maintenance. They are constantly battered and bruised from wind, rain, and life. The roof has to be repaired every so often, or it becomes leaky and provides no shelter in a storm.

I see Jesus/God as my foundation. They are rock solid, but I am the walls and the roof is the Holy Spirit. The Spirt (roof) covers me and protects me as long as I am maintaining my walk with Christ. If I turn my back on my Christian walk, and become full of the world and love the things of the world, my roof is no longer protecting me.

Yes, God is still there. Jesus would never leave me when I stumble and fall, the foundation is secure. However, when the storms come, and they will, and your roof is full of holes, because you aren’t allowing the Holy Spirit to cover you…you’re gonna get wet.

Hopefully this analogy makes sense. I have to work on myself daily to keep the Holy Spirit active and covering me like a roof, so my house will continue to stand strong on my “JESUS” foundation.


Another Valentine’s Day with Hope


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