Another Valentine’s Day with Hope

Two years ago, I blogged right here the day after Valentine’s Day. It was a hopeless day. I was sad, depressed, leaving my husband, and getting ready to split everything we had built together right down the middle.

However, after the lawyer was paid, we made a decision to become BETTER VERSIONS OF OURSELVES, and we actually did it!! We pray together, focus on being patient listeners, not finding fault with what the other is saying, encouraging each other, and most of all respecting one another.

I don’t respond to things like my husband, and I don’t see eye to eye with some of his emotions, but that’s ok. I don’t have to. I am not responsible for anything he does or says, I am only assigned to him as a separate human on great big rock trying to hold on.

We now work hard to build each other up daily and provide a safe place to fall when we aren’t our best.

It may sound a little odd, but I had to lower my expectations. I don’t want to be put on a pedestal, and I don’t want to put someone up where they can’t fall like everyone else. People fail. It’s reality, and it shouldn’t be the end of the world and thrown in their face when they do

Sometimes I think we want our mates to be better, look better, act better and keep their things organized better than they want for themselves. Hey. Relax. Life is shorter than you think and nothing is worth losing your partner over. I sure do do love my “everyday” valentine. He shows me how much he loves me everyday of the year.


Well You Don’t Say


Foundation?? What About The Roof?