Remember When

Remember when you thought about that person all the time. Wondered what they were doing at all times of the day? Was it just me or was anyone else looking up the zodiac signs to see if we were a match and if the stars truly aligned for us? Saying my first name with his last name to see how it sounded. Imagining all sorts of crazy sexual thoughts that you had no business thinking and saying out loud “Jesus what is wrong with me?!”

Remember when you would a hear a song and your mind went straight to him/her? The only thing on your mind was the simplicity of the relationship. I want you and you want me. You don’t want to go nights without seeing each other and certainly not nights without speaking on the phone. “Have you heard that song ___? Well listen” he would say. “Reminds me of us.” I would listen. “I liked it! Listen to this one___!” It was ongoing because the music made us feel and think about each other.

“Good Morning beautiful!!!” Is how the conversation for the day would begin. “Couldn’t get you off my mind” Then slowly the fire that had you burning with lust begins to throw off less heat. Morning turns into lunch time or evening and you realize the things that made you giddy aren’t there anymore. Excuses are made for why you can’t talk, or why you are too busy to meet. Women are funny! The things that have made me walk away from a man are crazy!

I once dated a helicopter pilot who was so hot! He was stationed near my college. I remember him telling me one night “Elvis was not really that good of a singer”. It took everything in me to stick it out the rest of the night. Another time this guy I had been seeing was so altogether perfect! Body like Hercules and a heart of gold. We had been hanging out for about a month and one night I went to leave and I had a flat tire. I walked back inside and he had taken off his shirt after I had left. When he walked to the car to fix my tire, I saw his back was covered in the thickest black hair I had ever seen on a man. I don’t think we went out again and I couldn’t explain why. So petty and vain of me.

I remember another guy that had large boils on his back. He would ask me to pop them. I repeatedly said NO. (I didn't want to see them, much less pop them) I guess because he couldn’t get rid of the boils it was a deal breaker for me. I wanted to rub a mans back in the relationship. LOL. Another guy had stinky feet so I wondered if his penus and booty hole stunk. Done there.

Remember when you thought lust was love, and love was lust? Lust doesn't really hurt when you brake it off, but breaking off love can really destroy you.

Remember when love was broken?


The Perch


Moooooood Swang.