Tired of the Same Old Conversations

Aren’t you just sick of the same old narratives and news cycles? Tired of hearing them discussed among friends and family? Things that don’t even affect me, are affecting me! I’m being dragged into chaos and other crap, when I’m just trying to enjoy a good meal with family and friends! I‘m listening to others vent and grunt, just because I’m in earshot and can’t get away.

I’m sick of hearing about LGBTQLMNOP, violence, crime, hate, disgust, racism, bullying, fighting, and sex. Can someone please just paint a rainbow on the side of a building and it be a rainbow? Can someone please do anything without an agenda? Can someone please tell a joke and make me laugh? Or am I seriously going to have to get an ice pic and gouge out my own ear drums?

On second thought, I do love to hear my daughter sing, so I’ll spare my hearing and just cut you from my circle if you can’t change your behavior.


Well You Don’t Say