Well You Don’t Say

Why is it that we get annoyed with people when they say something that is obvious? I mean, what’s wrong with someone knowing something that you know already, and telling you about it? haha!

The worst is when you know a lot about something, and someone else only knows a little, but they tell you what they know like it’s new information. I just want to say NO DUH. The crazy part is, they have no idea you already know it, so what’s the big deal? I have no idea, but it will get under my skin every time. I try not to interrupt, but usually I do, and I hate that about myself.

Them: “You remember your good friend Bob White?”

Me: “Yes.”

Them: “He’s getting married next weekend!!”

Me: “Yes, I’m going to the wedding.” (Now why am I annoyed)

What about this? Have you ever been minding your business and someone say “you look bored”. Oh my gosh. Are you kidding me? I’m literally minding my business enjoying the evening. Or what about this one, “you should smile”. Really? Now how would it look for a woman to be sitting at the bar eating with a huge smile on her face.

Last one. Have you ever been with someone who asks you “are you okay” throughout the night? I was okay until they asked a few times, now I am getting NOT Ok. Things that can trigger a mood are purely ridiculous.

I have learned that my brain has the weirdest combinations of buttons that cause my emotions to buzzzzzz, and controlling those emotions is possible. I breathe slow and say to myself “green goose green goose you are in control.” Just kidding. I don’t say anything.

Question: What is the dumbest thing someone has said to you as a pick up line or flirting line? Do you get annoyed with others when they are Captain Obvious or ask you if you are okay? How do you control your emotions?


Tired of the Same Old Conversations


Another Valentine’s Day with Hope