
Recently I had a door mat custom made that says “Yep…” It was the only thing I could think of to sum up how I feel these days. Three letters that I seem to use so much lately. I may have it tattooed on my big toe and start a Yep Club. Showing up to the Yep Club means that you must have the word yep on your body somewhere. Hat. Shirt. Socks. Black Sharpie pen that strategically has it somewhere. If you can’t say Yep to at three of the ten questions you are asked when you arrive, you won’t be able to enter.

  1. Have you or your child ever just taken off somewhere with no idea how it was gonna end up?

  2. Have you or your child ever danced in a store aisle because you loved the song?

  3. Have you or your child ever mixed apple cider, turmeric, ginger and cayenne pepper and drank it as a shot for weeks because someone told you to?

  4. Have you or your child ever been misdiagnosed with a killer disease only to find out it was a false positive?

  5. Have you or your child ever been picked up by the heavy weight boxing champion of the world and taken to a strange location where a JUJU priest tried to cleanse you?

  6. Have you ever checked yourself out of rehab because you refuse to lie about drinking at the family tailgate?

  7. Have you ever been told by your kid “I withdrew from college. I’m leaving Monday to go work for Snoop Dogg and Bullside Management”?

  8. Have you or your child ever been told “That’s a bad idea” but did it anyway?

  9. Have you or your child ever bought a camper on New Years Eve to start a new life?

  10. Have you or your child ever just wanted to help others but can’t figure out how?

If you can answer yep to at least three questions you can join. If you can answer yes to eight of those questions you are a Yep Club Mentor. If you answered Yep to nine or more, you qualify to run for Vice President of the Yep Club and you can comment below if you are interested.


I Am Turning Your Phone OFF


SaV’s World