SaV’s World

I like stepping into SaV’s world. For so long you buy your kids what you “think” they want or need. But when they get own their own and begin doing things their way a new “them” emerges!

In SaV’s apartment a marquee sign hangs on the wall welcoming whoever is visiting. Entering the room to the left is a giant collage of things that make you feel good hot glued in a frame on the wall. A picture of I dream of Jeanie, albums, broken mirrors, vines things that make you stare. The overhead lights all change colors based on the mood. To the right “welcome mom” lights up on the marquee sign. Royal purple curtains drape the walkway, so you can’t enter the room without feeling as if you are stepping onto a stage or into a magical world where a fairy might jump out and land on your shoulder at any moment.

The dining table is a car. The doors are the side frames and it sits under a large portrait of Marilyn Monroe. The lights that have been gently tacked around the frame have 8 settings of various colors to provide you with the mood lighting much needed for all things in SaV World. Every corner comes to life. A hanging trapeze and a tiny doll dangles from the ceiling in one corner and other things hang from other corners! The colors are vibrant and make you want to dance with Indians or dig for a hidden treasure. Tiny dinosaurs roam through the window seal flowers and a blue jelly fish is an odd silhouette against the high rise buildings in the distance downtown Atlanta.

She takes me to restaurants I could never find on my own. We sit at the bar most often and have deep discussions that are always interrupted by the men sitting next to us.. We go from fun loving to clinical responses as they continue to poop our party. Piano bars. Dimly lit dives. Outdoor cafes. Long walks on the Beltline. Outdoor concerts. Trivia nights and Bloody Marys. Private parties at the recording studios. Meeting new and interesting gay men and others that I don’t see in my world. Diversity rules and creates a pallet of color that explodes around her. She can make you cry and laugh in the same sentence. I leave exhausted from staying up late and doing so much, but exhilarated from my time in SaV’s world.




Stuck On Repeat