Exercise Helps Me Balance Life

For the last two weeks I have felt off. I couldn’t put my finger on why. I haven’t slept good at all. I wake up around 2:00 am, or sometimes don’t even close my eyes until 2:00 am. Swirling thoughts. John Mayer song lyrics that start over and over on the same spot. Ideas of things to do at an event center. Disappointments. Overwhelming sadness about a movie I remember, children on the streets, broken homes. 

I breathe. I pray. I breathe some more. I found myself saying outloud “I feel so anxious about something” or “I am so emotional for some reason.” 

I had a vision of scales sitting on the table. On one side was the physical things I did for myself and others, and the other side spiritual side. I was praying and breathing, and even speaking positive things. I was doing things for others, but it was still off balance.

I was taking time for me by getting in the sauna, reading a book, dreaming big dreams, but the scale was still tipped. When was the last time I exercised? When had I last hugged a stranger? Hmmm. 

So, I went to the gym. I did 35 min of cardio and light weights. It felt good. I felt relief. Look up the benefits of exercise. When we exercise our brains release dopamine and endorphins that are feel good drugs! They actually work to decrease depression, anxiety and mental stability! Studies show it can reduce memory loss and increase brain neurons. We all need that! 

Staying balanced is such a huge thing. As I continually examine my life, I imagine the scales loaded with beans on each side. Each day I add a little something here and there to create a volatile scale. Too much of anything can throw you off. How are your scales looking?



When a Dream Becomes a Burden


Imagination-BIG EVENT