Imagination-BIG EVENT

Maybe you enjoy a safe place of comfort where you know every thing that is going to happen every day. Your job is secure and you leave at 5:00 pm knowing tomorrow when I arrive, everything will be just as I left it. That has never been me. I have often WISHED that I could rest in “this is this” and “that is that”. But, thats just not me, my husband or my daughter.

I wake up wondering and looking for something new. Maybe it is a blessing I get or give. Maybe it’s a connection I didn't expect. Most often, it is an idea.

What if I did this?

I think I could do that!

I think I’ll start a business.

I think I’ll be a photographer.

I have never imagined something that I couldn’t figure out a way to make it happen on my own (with Gods help of course)… UNTIL NOW.

I have a GIGANTIC IDEA. It’s bigger than me, bigger than Tuscaloosa, and quite frankly, bigger than Alabama. I have a plan to open the best, most beautiful Event Center in the south. It is a multi million dollar plan, and I don’t have that kind of money. I want the McFarland Mall, which is currently being torn down.

I am believing this idea was given to me for a specific reason that is more than an “event center”. I can’t get into details of how I feel, because it will sound weird, but something is brewing spiritually and I can’t quite put my finger on.


Exercise Helps Me Balance Life


A Time to Heal