The Kind of Man…

Our relationship was more than a bad beginning and bad ending. There was so much love and fun in between. He is the kind of man to always tip more than anyone in the building. It is fun to see how excited a waiter can get over $100 more than he was expecting. That’s just who he is. He gives to everyone that needs him. He never expects anything in return from those he helps. We have a long list of people who God put in our path that he made a huge impact on financially.

He is the kind of man that takes you to dinner often. Once a week we would spend time lingering for hours talking over dinner. We had great conversation until we would break into a fight right there in the restaurant.

He is the kind of man that will ride with you on errands or drop you off at the door so you don’t have to walk far. Or, run in with you and end up spending a thousand on something he saw me eyeing. Just before Christmas, I took my wedding ring in to be fixed. He went with me and while we were inside he wanted to get me a gold cross that is beautiful, I wanted him to wait and get it for Christmas. “This is for now. Christmas is later.” That day he bought me the most beautiful gold cross, then looked over and said “I want to get you the garnet one too.” I walked out with two necklaces two weeks before Christmas. We missed celebrating Christmas inn 2019, but when we were ok again he bought me a dry sauna that I use nearly every day.

He is the kind of man that when I said I wanted to start a wedding business he just said “Okay”. I spent $19,000 on a van and wedding inventory and he never said one word about it. He was proud. We enjoyed talking about my new line of work. He is wise in dealing with people and business.

He is the kind of man that will hand me $1000 for no reason and say go shop! He’s done that at least 6 times that I can remember. When I turned 50 he took me to Vegas for a week and gave me $2000 to go shop for a new Vegas wardrobe. He makes a huge deal over birthdays and Christmas. (If we were speaking to each other)

He is the kind of man that has bought me a new car four times. Once while we were waiting in the lobby having my Buick Enclave serviced we walked the lot and I saw a Yukon Denali that really fit what I needed for hauling reception items. We traded the Enclave on the spot. Once I just woke up and saw this beautiful crimson red Chrysler 300 sitting in my driveway. Just like in the movies!

He is the kind of man that let me go on girls trips, work at the beach, visit friends, go to luncheons, pay for mine and their lunches, and loved seeing me happy.

He is the kind of man that would do anything for his family. He worked 60 hours a week for many years to make sure his daughter went to private school. When she wanted to be in a high school zone we weren’t in, we bought a condo close to the school so she would be happy.

He’s the kind of man that let me pick out not one, but two beach condos and purchase them without him ever seeing them. The kind of man that trust me to handle all the bills, finances, investment decisions, household duties and never questioned my integrity. We never argued over money.

The kind of man to buy a van for a handicapped person, or football uniforms for a struggling team. The kind of man that donated monthly to children with special needs.

The most loving man I have known.

Best lover in the world.

We just argued and fought over nothing and when it happened, it was vicious. Bad enough to make me give up on all the good I just wrote about.


The Hourglass


The Insanity of Living Down the Hall