I Have An Idea

What if a couple could write down the things that bothered them on a piece of paper and once a week, for one month, they sat down together and discussed things that they wished were different. Things they needed from their partner. Video the session so that they could both look back and see what the other was saying. I know for me, if I get defensive, I will lose track of what is being said and begin to think about my response. Instead of paying a therapist, you would essentially be doing your own therapy!

I wanted to do this with him, but before it got to that point I saw a text message to his friend Kim where they were planning a week long beach trip with concert tickets. She asked him “If Ticia would be ok with it” And his response was. “she will be ok or she can stay home”. That was the one thing that caused my decision to completely give up any and all respect for the man I considered the love of my life.

I think the next man I am with will be totally opposite. I will make sure of that.

Any thoughts?


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