Judging You

Tell me this. If you see a woman walking down the street in a boho outfit and flip flops, what crosses your mind? Successful business owner? Free spirited and living pay check to pay check? What about a woman who has a long curly ponytail and big breasts with a slightly low cut top on versus a woman who has a short hairdo flat chested and wearing a conservative blouse up to the neck.

Lets go one step further. An extremely fat woman is eating a cheeseburger and fries at the table across from you. Thoughts?

We live in a society where the “Miss Alabama/America/Universe” is based on how good you look, how well you walk, how athletic you look in a bathing suit, and how put together you are in your memorized answer interview. Thats right. There is a time of prep work where you will spend hours watching the news and practicing answering questions the judges will throw at you.

You may develop an eating disorder preparing for the competition or you may learn some great eating and exercise skills that will stay with you for life. As 41 girls from across a state come together, people who don’t know them study their file and begin marking in a column. Yes! beautiful. No. Not so much on the photogenic department. Yes. Very talented!! No. A little off key. Yes! Muscular and full of energy No. Cellulite and no calves. YES! Community involvement and creativity! No. Think of a better platform missy.

Here is the top 10! The rest of you didn’t cut the cheese this time, but try back for the next five years and you just might be the one we really like!!

I was in the Miss Alabama pageant back in 1989. I was all in. It is an amazing opportunity for girls to get a scholarship to local colleges! I’m not downing the system, I just really think its weird that we literally judge people on their looks. Sure, they throw in that you need to be smart as well (academics matter!), but sometimes you aren’t a brainiac in school, you aren’t tall and muscular, but you still have so many gifts and ideas that you can't use because there isn’t a way to show them to anyone.

I wish there was an organization that offered scholarships based on ideas you want to implement in the community or just real life platforms that you were passionate about even though you aren’t a beauty queen or king.


I’ve Been Stumped


When a Dream Becomes a Burden